Space Frequency Listing, 8-50 MHz, Downlink

Sven Grahn

Radio amateur satellites omitted

Frequency (MHz) Use
8.364 Soyus TM recovery beacon. AN morse-code signals. Allocated to rescue of manned spacecraft by the ITU.
8.983  OV1-17A (69-25D), Orbis-Cal 2, propagation beacon 2 Watt
9.019 Voice frequency for Vostok-1 according to TASS.
10.003 * Vostok recovery beacon "Peleng". Allocated to rescue of manned S/C by ITU.
* ORBIS (64-75A), Orbiting Radio Beacon Ionospheric Satellite)
10.004 OV2-5
13.253 OV1-17A
15.008 Used initially by Soyuz-1. CW-PDM telemetry. Used by all early Soyuz-type vehicles. AM voice from Soyuz-17 picked up on this frequency during docking woth Salyut 4. This frequency also used by Salyut-1, Salyut-4 and Kosmos-557.
15.016 * Voice frequency (AM) for Mercury and Gemini spacecraft.
* OV2-5
15.765 Voice frequency for Vostok-2 according to TASS. Used to be registered as a frequency for space use by the ITU.
17.365 Used by Voskhod-2 in March 1965 for voice transmissions according to TASS.
18.035 Voice channel for Voskhod-1 and -2. Geoff Perry and Dick Flagg heard "Rubin" on this frequency on 12 oct 1964. Harro Zimmer picked up Soyuz-1 on this frequency on 23 April, 1967.
18.060 Voice channel for Soyuz-9 according to TASS. Also used by Soyuz-18 for AM voice during docking with Salyut-4. Also used by Soyuz-19 (ASTP) for AM voice and for CW-PDM telemetry. AM voice from Salyut-4.
19.150 Morse-code "binary" groups transmitted by reconnaisance Kosmos-satellites. Twelve groups of three letters were transmitted evry 19 seconds: "....STS MOM ...". This type of signal was first heard from Kosmos-280 on 19.995 MHz by the Kettering Grammar School. Later such transmissions were frequently heard by several observers on 19.150 and 19.300 MHz. Out of use in 1974?
19.300 Morse-code groups. See 19.150 MHz.
19.365 Telemetry frequency for Komos-111 (Luna failure) according to TASS.
Telemetry frequency for Kosmos-198. (TASS). No observations available.
19.542 FSK-PDM telemetry from radar-equipped ocean-surveillance satellites. First detected by Grahn and Perry from Kosmos-723 and Kosmos-724 in 1975.
19.545 FSK-PDM telemetry for Proton-2 and Proton-3 (TASS). Picked up by S Grahn from Proton-3 on 8,9, and 11 July 1966.
19.735 Telemetry from Kosmos-27, Kosmos-96, Kosmos-102, and Kosmos-125 according to TASS. No observations available
19.775 Kosmos-63 accoring to TASS. (i=56 deg, 257-1676 km). No observations.
19.800 Kosmos-39 accoring to TASS. (i=56 deg, 206-798 km). No observations.
19.802 Kosmos-54 accoring to TASS. (i=56 deg, 257-1727 km). No observations.
19.894 Kosmos-110, FSK-PDM signals heard by Grahn and Perry.
19.895 * Polyot-2 telemetry according to TASS. No observations.
* Kosmos-96 accordingt to TASS. No observations.
19.910 Proton-1 and Proton-4 FSK-PDM telemetry. Proton-4 picked up Flagg, Perry, Grahn.
19.942 Kosmos-1267 FSK-PDM telemetry
19.943 Elektron-1,-2,-3,-4 according to TASS.
19.944 Salyut-3 FSK-PDM, first heard by Grahn.
Salyut-5, FSK-PDM
19.945 Polyot-1 according to TASS. Picked up by Dieter Oslender.
19.948  Vostok-5 biomedical telemetry beacon "Mayak".
19.954 * Elektron-1,-2,-3,-4 according to TASS. Picked up by Dieter Oslender.
* Kosmos-929, 1267,1443, and 1686 (TKS spacecraft)
19.974 Voskhod-1 and -2 telemetry according to Wukelic.
19.989 Two-tone FSK signals without telemetry from recon-Kosmoses.
19.990 * Two-tone signals (see above)
* FSK-PDM from reconnaissance satellites in the Kosmos series.
* Vostok-4 biomedical telemetry beacon "Mayak".
19.992 Salyut-5 phase-modulated PDM telemetry
19.993 Luna-1 and Luna-2 telemetry. Jodrell Bank tracked Luna-2 to the lunar surface on this frequency.
19.994 * FSK-PDM from 8-day and 12-day recon-satellites in the Kosmos series.
* Voskhod-1 "Mayak" telemetry beacon.
19.995 * FSK-PDM from 8-day and 12-day recon-satellites in the Kosmos series.
* "Mayak" telemetry beacon from Sputnik-5,6,9,10, Vostok-1,2,3, 6.
* Morse-code telemetry from Kosmos-280. (See 19.150 MHz)
* Luna-1 telemetry
* FSK-PDM telemetry from Sputnik-4.
* China-2 pulse-position modulated telemetry
19.996 * FSK-PDM from 8-day and 12-day recon-satellites in the Kosmos series.
* Voskhod-2 "Mayak" telemetry beacon.
19.997 * Luna-1 and Luna-2 last stage telemetry. No observations.
* Kosmos-57 (Voskhod-2 precursor). No observations.
20.003 * Luna-2 last stage telemetry.
* OV4-1T
20.004 Intercosmos-12. CW only.
20.005 * Sputnik-1, Sputnik-2, and Sputnik-3 beacons.
* "Mayak" ionospheric beacons coherent with e.g. 30.008,  90.023 MHz.
* Explorer-7 (coherent with 40.01, 60.015 MHz)
* Discoverer-32 
* Discoverer-36 (coherent with 40.01 MHz)
* Kosmos-5 and -23
* Explorer-22 (coherent with 40.01 MHz)
* San-Marco 1
* Explorer-27 (coherent with 40.01 MHz)
* San- Marco 2
20.006 AM voice from Vostok-1, Vostok-2, Vostok-3, Vostok-4,Vostok-5, Vostok-6.
20.008 * CW-PDM from Kosmos-140,186/188,212/238, Soyuzes, Salyut-4
* Kosmos-146
* AM voice from Soyuz-5, Salyut-1, and Soyuz-18
* ATS-6
20.009 * China-1 telemetry and song "The east is red"
* China-2 telemetry
20.034 Kosmos-38,54,55,56 and coherent with  90.156 MHz
20.084 Kosmos-39,61,62,63,71,72,73,74,75 and  coherent with 90.378 MHz.
20.086 ASTEX
30.008 Elektron-1,2,3,4 coherent with 20.005 and 90.022 MHz
"Mayak" ionospheric beacons coherent with e.g. 20.008,  90.023 MHz.
30.010 ASTEX (7.4 pulses/second SESP 71-2 Solar array and infra-red sensor test).
30.012 OV2-5
30.028 ASTEX (7.4 pulses/second)
30.112 OV2-5
34 OV4-1T (66-99D; transmitted to OV4-1R, 66-99B)
38.300 Signal coherent with that on 19.150 MHz from Kosmos recce-satellites
38.600 Signal coherent with that on 19.300 MHz from Kosmos recce-satellites
39.015 ATS-6
39.916 ATS-6
39.978 Signal coherent with two-tone signals on 19.989 MHz (Kosmos recce-satellites)
39.986 Luna-2 and Luna-3 telemetry.
40.002 Sputnik-1,2
40.008 Interkosmos-12 CW coherent with 20.004 ,180.036  360.072 MHz.
Interkosmos-19 CW coherent with 180.036  360.072 MHz
40.010 Sputnik 3
INTASAT-1 (74-89C) 0.2 Watt
40.016 ATS-6
40.116 ATS-6
40.500 China-11 coherent with 162 MHz
40.997 UNAMSAT-B
41.010 Explorer-22
INTASAT-1 (74-89C) 0.2 Watt
41.016 ATS-6
41.101 Explorer-27
46 OV4-1T


Coherent radio beacons

(The non-coherent within brackets)
Frequencies Satellites
20.006  90.027
(20.005 90.023)
20.005  30.008  90.023 Kosmos-17, 31,93,95, 356
20.034  90.156 Kosmos-38
20.084  90.378 Kosmos-39
(19.802)  20.035  90.158 Kosmos-54,55,56
(19.775)  20.084  90.377 Kosmos-61,62,63
19.8  89.102 Kosmos-40
19.8   89.102 20.084   90.378 Kosmos-71,72,73,74,75
20.005  30.008 Interkosmos-2, 8. 
20.004  40.008  180.036  360.072 Interkosmos-12,14
40.008  180.036  360.072 Interkosmos-19

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