Soviet/Russian meter-band space radio channels

In (1 ) we find this table:



Channel Frequency (MHz) Channel Frequency (MHz) Channel Frequency (MHz)
00 61 04(4) 203 1 132.4
01 66 05(4) 211 2 136.7
02 71 06(4) 219 3 142.4
03 76 07(4) 232 4 147.0
04   08(4) 240 5 126.7
05   09(4) 248 MII-MIII MII-MIII
06   10(4) 164 6(044) 203.3
07 145 11(4) 166 7(054) 211.3
08 164,5 12(4) 180 8(064) 219.3
09 180 13(4) 182 9(070) 231.3
10 192 14(4) 190 10(080) 239.3
    15(4) 192 11(090) 247.3

Most of these frequencies can be found elsewhere and are well known. The signifiance of the channel designations an the terms PRA and MII-MIII are unclear. More works needs to be done, but M probably stands for "meter-band". This is evident from a catalog from NPO-IT in which units are described as working in the meter band which is designated MI-MII-MIII and in the "decimeter-band" which is designated DI,DII or DIV. PRA probably stands for , i.e. "Receiving and recording equipment".

Tral is the very early telemetry system used on i.a. the R-7 missile and Sputnik-3.


  1. B.Voblyi, Telemetry system training manual from the parent company of the telemetry computer equipment, microelectronics for rocket and space technology, NPO-IT.


    [Space Radio Notes]