12 December 2020
23 April 2020:
16 April 2020
19 March 2020
4 March 2020
14 February 2020
13 February 2020
1 May 2018
14 April 2018
The article about the tracking of Luna-3 amended to take into account recent information about the Crimean tracking station (see above).
1 April 2018
24 March 2018
27 December 2017
An article about the launch failure in June 1970 of Europa 1 F9 added in Swedish and in English added.
14 October 2017
11 January 2017
The article "Interkosmos-16" about the Swedish experiment on this satellite added in Swedish and in English .
18 August 2016
19 March 2016
8 November 2015
15 September 2015
10 August 2015
26 July 2015
19 Augusti 2014
27 March 2014
26 October 2013
12 June 2013
12 June 2013
30 April 2013
16 January 2013
30 December 2012
22 November 2012
13 October 2012
5 October 2012
7 June 2012
The article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "MAGIC" greatly amended (in Swedish).
6 June 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "Hygrosond-2" added (in Swedish).
5 June 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "NLTE" added (in Swedish).
4 June 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "MERMAID" added (in Swedish).
28 May 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "GYROTEST" added (in Swedish).
3 April 2012
8 March 2012
27 February 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "Hygrosond-1" added (in Swedish).
22 February 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "SPINRAC-Test" added (in Swedish).
16 February 2012
10 February 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "NLC93 - DECIMALS" added (in Swedish).
6 February 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "NLC91 - DECIMALS" added (in Swedish).
2 February 2012
29 January 2012
28 January 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project ANODE (in Swedish) added.
23 January 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project RSG/ATOMIC (in Swedish) added.
22 January 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S41 AURELD-VIP (in Swedish) added.
19 January 2012
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S38 TOR (in Swedish) added.
15 January 2012
A page with more pictures from the XI International Astronautical Congress (1960) added with captions in both English and Swedish.
12 January 2012
11 January 2012
10 January 2012
9 January 2012
29 December 2011
The article on PPM-AM telemetry greatly updated with information on the RTS-9 and Tral telemetry systems.
5 November 2011
24 October 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S36 AURELD-High (in Swedish) added.
21 October 2011
18 October 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S39/SOAP-WINE (in Swedish) added.
16 October 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S37/SOAP (in Swedish) added.
14 October 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S37/CAMP (in Swedish) added.
9 October 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S26 ION (in Swedish) added.
31 August 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S32 NLC-OBS (in Swedish) added.
30 August 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S27 - Twilight (in Swedish) added.
27 August 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S22 - Aurora (in Swedish) added.
15 August 2011
5 August 2011
The article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S17 - Mor/dotter (in Swedish) greatly expanded.
18 July 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project S18 - D-layer (in Swedish) added
13 July 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket projects S13 and S16 (in Swedish) added
22 May 2011
21 May 2011
16 April 2011
13 April 2011
The landing time of Vostok amended with new information revealed in April 2011.
10 April 2011
An interview (in two parts) with the legendary space tracker Geoff Perry made by Jos Heyman in 1986 has been added.
1 January 2011
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "S-29 Ba-GEOS" (in Swedish) added.
19 December 2010
15 December 2010
28 November 2010
14 November 2010
An article about Sweden's first microsatellite Astrid-1 added (in Swedish), including pictures from a store-and-forward communications test.
22 August 2010
15 August 2010
18 July 2010
An article about the Swedish/German sounding rocket project Maxus now "completed" (in Swedish).
9 April 2010
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "ER-1" added (in Swedish).
21 March 2010
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "Maxus-Test" added (in Swedish).
26 January 2010
23 January 2010
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "K-69-kampanjen" added (in Swedish).
15 January 2010
26 December 2009
An article about the first Swedish satellite Viking added (in Swedish).
10 December 2009
An article about the Swedish sounding rocket project "S35 OXYGEN" added (in Swedish).
24 November 2009
An article about a Swedish microgravity experiment on a NASA Starfighter jet in 1982 added ( Swedish ) ( English).
14 November 2009
The article "Rexus-1, the first Swedish student sounding rocket" added. ( Swedish ) ( English).
20 September 2009
24 June 2009
14 April 2009
4 April 2009
22 March 2009
27 February 2009
11 February
3 February 2009
31 January 2009
The Astrid-2 photo album , showing scenes from the launch of this Swedish microsatellite from Plesetsk in December 1998, added.
21 December 2008
Updates made to the two articles "Sputnik-6 and the failure of 22 December 1960" and "The flights of Korabl-Sputnik 4 and 5, the final laps to human spaceflight!"
using new radio tracking information from "Radio Observations of USSR Satellite Ships", Y Nakata, M Kan, Y Arima, K Araki, Radio Research Laboratories,
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tokyo, Japan, May 1963. Prepared for Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. Available as PDF-file through
http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/. Thanks to Bob Christy for informing me about this fascinating source!
12 December 2008
7 November 2008
8 October 2008
5 October 2008
19 August 2008
18 June 2008
9 June 2008
16 March 2008
12 January 2008
9 January 2008
3 January 2008
28 December 2007
26 December 2007
14 December 2007
25 November 2007
18 November 2007
7 October 2007
15 September 2007
4 March 2007
3 October 2006
26 August 2006
4 August 2006
25 March 2006
22 January 2006